domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

que distingue la Excelencia

1.-Elite performers play victor versus victim.
As I travel around the world working
with many diverse organizations as an executive coach, speaker and management
consultant, I see many corporate cultures where there is a complete denial of
personal responsibility. People blame others for what is not working within the
organization. People point the finger at t
hose around them for things gone wrong.
But as I say in my book ““Leadership Wisdom From The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari””: ““blaming others is nothing more
than excusing yourself.”” Each of us has
the power to create results. One person can change a corporate culture by making
changes within her realm of influence. On
e person can begin behaving in new ways
which leads those around him
to do the same. In this way, a team can change, which
influences a culture to change which transf
orms an organization. If something is not
working within your enterprise, use your
power to effect the changes that you wish
to see.
2.-Elite performers focus on the worthy.
Most people try to be all things to all
people and, in so doing, achieve nothing. E
lite performers have a laser-like focus on
their highest priorities and an acute awarene
ss of the best uses of their time. In fact,
they build their whole lives around the activities that offer them the highest return
on investment. They are good at saying no. They spend time each morning, during
their Holy Hour planning and thinking stra
tegically about what needs to be done
during the day for them to play their highest games and be of most service.

Elite performers live their truth.
Right now, this very moment, as you read this
manual, you know deep in your heart what
your professional as well as your personal
life needs to look like in order for you to be
living authentically. In this very moment,
your heart knows what’’s right. Elite pe
rformers have articulated their personal
philosophy along with their organizing prin
ciples and have the courage to live out
that ideology each and every day of thei
r lives. This gives them great power and
promotes extraordinary levels of confid
ence because they are aware that they are
being true to themselves.
Elite performers build human connections.
Business is about relationships.
Nothing is more important than building emotional engagement with your
teammates, with your suppliers and with yo
ur customers. Competition in today’’s
marketplace is not for ““share of wallet””
, as many organizations falsely believe.
Rather, the competition in today’’s marketplaces is for people’’s emotions. Show up
fully in your relationships. Take the
time to remember birthdays and write
handwritten thank-you notes each week.
Show people that you care. Open your
heart to them and they will reward you with thei
r loyalty as well as with their love.
Elite performers add outrageous value.
I truly believe that we are rewarded in
today’’s marketplace according to the value that
we add. If you want to receive greater
returns, add greater value. Give your customers and clients more value than they
have any right to expect. Always underpromise and overdeliver. Stay up late into the
night reflecting on how you can serve the people that you have the privilege to do
business with and help them fulfill their dreams
. Your career will begin to explode.
Elite performers are devoted to excellence.
One of the things I focus on in a
significant way during the 2 day
Elite Performers Series
program is a process that has
been proven to help any employee become tr
uly excellent in all that they do. To me,
““excellence”” is a beautiful word. Elite perf
ormers are constantly asking themselves
the following question: ““is the way that I’’
m showing up truly excellent and reflective
of someone who is operating at a world-cl
ass standard?”” We live in a world where
mediocrity is the norm. When you truly dedica
te yourself ––no, devote yourself –– to
becoming excellent in the way that you think, and behave you stand out in a crowded
marketplace. You show genuine leadership.
Elite performers deepen themselves.
Nothing changes until you change. We live
in an externally focused world where we
buy into the notion that our lives will
change when we make more money or get a better car or achieve more status. And
yet, when we receive these things, we are left empty and unfulfilled. True success
comes from inner success. Dedicate yourself
to getting to know who you truly are.
Reconnect with your brilliance. Walk towards your fears. Evaluate the quality of your
life and what you want it to stand for. Reflect on the beliefs that are limiting you and
ponder where you’’ve picked them up from. The best investment you will ever make
is investing in your best self.
Inspirational Quotes
““Encourage all your virtuous dispositions and
exercise them whenever an opportunity arises,
being assured that they will gain strength by ex
ercise as a limb of the body does and that
exercise will make them habitual.””
Thomas Jefferson
““Self-love is not only necessary and good,
it is a pre-requisite for loving others.””
Rollo May
““We are always getting ready to live, but never living.””
Ralph Waldo Emerson
““Today, be a little bolder. Reach a little high
er. Be a little kinder. Be a bigger dreamer.””
Robin Sharma
Why Keep a Journal?
One of the practices that has changed my own lif
e is the regular habit of journaling. In my
speeches as well as in my coaching programs,
I encourage –– and challenge –– participants to
begin journaling in an effort to play their bi
ggest games as human beings. Here is some of
my thinking on why journaling is a powerful tool for personal discovery and elite
Journaling allows you to take fuzzy
thinking and distill it into precise
Do you remember when you were in school and you thought you knew
the material for an exam then met with a study group and realized, after discussing
the material, that there were gaps in your
understanding? Having a conversation
about something forces you to find specific
language for your thinking. Journaling is
a conversation that you have with your
self. The more you journal, the more
precision of thought you build. This brings
great clarity to your life. With greater
clarity, you can make the new choi
ces required to create new changes.
Journaling allows you a place to
process through unfelt emotions.
In my work,
I have come to realize that most people have a great deal of unfelt anger that resides
within them (along with many other latent emotional baggage). Unfelt emotions
affect our daily choices, often at a subcons
cious level. Many people act in overly
aggressive or hurtful ways, blaming the other person, rather than assuming personal
responsibility and investigating the deeper reasons why they are behaving as they do.
Writing in a journal will allow you to proce
ss your unfelt anger or sadness or hurts
that you may have sustained along the journ
ey of your life. This releases you and
allows you to find greater freedom and make better choices, both professionally and
Writing in a journal allows you to record your dreams.
Dreams create
hopefulness. The more intimate you can become with your dreams and the longings
of your heart, the greater inspiration yo
u can bring to your days. This promotes
positive energy which creates a richer experience of life.
Writing in a journal allows you to deepen your understanding.
The mere action
of writing something down allows for a more effective integration of the learning.
When you go to a seminar and ta
ke notes, the learning will be ‘‘stickier’’ than if you do
not take notes. In the same way, journaling
allows you to learn from life. It allows
you to let your days serve you. You become wiser each day.
Journaling deepens commitment.
The very act of writing things down deepens
your resolve to make good things happen
in your life. Try this today. Take 15
minutes to write about the day you want to
create and the choices you are dedicated
to making in order to create
an excellent day. This simp
le act will allow you to be
much more proactive rather than reactive
as you live out the remaining hours of this

La Cordialidad
La Amabilidad
Hacer el Bien
Ayudar al que no sabe
Elogiar para motivar y animar
Enseñar al que no sabe

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