viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

Crea tu Plan de Acción Infalible

Mi cuñada Pati nos ha preguntado que Objetivos y Propósitos para el 2016.
Es verdad todos tenemos un objetivo más o menos explícito.
Pero es más bien un objetivo interno que nos cuesta declarar.
Todos anhelamos 2 cosas ; cubrir nuestras necesidades y Felicidad.
Todos queremos ser felices pero no todos se preparan para ello.
Todos queremos cubrir nuestras necesidades aunque  no todos se preparan para ello.
Has de saber lo que quieres y pagar todo el precio.
Has de dedicar tiempo a desarrollar un Plan concreto para cada uno de los objetivos.
La velocidad a la que se transforma la sociedad hace que lo que hoy se enseña a nuestros hijos haya quedado desfasado antes de que comiencen su vida profesional. No sabemos qué debemos fomentar en la formación, ¿las matemáticas, la informática, la filosofía? ¿Cuál será el conocimiento realmente útil para ayudarles a enfrentarse a ese futuro inaprensible? No lo sabemos, ésa es la verdad. Por eso, éste es el momento en el que la escuela debe preservar cada uno de los talentos de los niños que le son confiados y que no serán necesariamente matemáticos o lingüísticos. Cada niño está lleno de talentos para las cosas más diversas, para imaginar, para soñar, para bailar, moverse, cantar, dibujar, inventar soluciones tan simples y hermosas a problemas en apariencia irresolubles que hacen sonrojar a sus padres.
La escuela ha logrado hasta la fecha obviar estos talentos para tratar de hacerlos pasar por un molde uniforme que simplifique la formación y la evaluación; pero el reto actual consiste en mimar esos talentos, reconducirlos y potenciarlos, mostrar en qué pueden ser útiles y abrirles vías. Así es la escuela soñada, así es la escuela que propone Ken Robinson.
Ken Robinson ha prestado especial atención al papel de la creatividad y, en particular, al modo en el que las escuelas acaban con ella. Los niños son tremendamente imaginativos y nada parece obstáculo para ellos pero, pocos años después, su espontaneidad parece haber desaparecido. La convencionalidad y el seguidismo se convierten en las pautas más seguras para la travesía de la época escolar.
Sin embargo, en aquellos casos en los que la escuela ha cumplido con su papel, o cuando el alumno ha sabido resistirse al pensamiento lineal, los resultados son espectaculares. La creatividad se adueña de la vida de estas personas (no pensemos necesariamente en artistas famosos, también en bomberos que adoren su trabajo o contables enamorados de sus balances) llevándoles a un estado de especial conciliación entre sus aspiraciones personales y profesionales.
La Felicidad en una buena parte está en nuestras manos.
La Felicidad esta en muy buena parte en nuestras manos y es una habilidad que depende de nosotros.
La Felicidad está en tus manos.
Tienes la oportunidad de hacer del 2016 el mejor año de tu vida.

6 Ways to Achieve Personal Greatness

1.-Write out a 20 year plan for your professional as well as your personal life.
companies ensure that they are governed by a well thought out mission, vision and value
statement. A clear plan along with a statement of your most important values will allow
you to make wiser choices which will lead to less failures.

2.-Spend more time thinking.
One of my clients is Satyam Computers, one of India’’s
most successful IT companies. One of their guiding philosophies is to encourage
teammates to spend 1/3 of their time in contemplation. Most effective human beings
think more than others. Think about what you want your life to represent. Think about
how you can create more value. Think about what is not working in your life so you can
make changes.

3.-Get into balance.
Striking a balance between your work and your personal life is not
easy. It’’s a daily challenge. But by working at it, your life will work much better. Schedule
the time for exercise. Ensure that your family and friendships get the priority they
deserve. Take some time for yourself because when you feel better, you will be a source
of positive energy to all those around you.

4.-Take calculated risks.
Every seven days, do something that makes you feel
uncomfortable. The very thing that you are afraid to do is the thing that you should do
first. Remember, on the other side of your fears lives your growth.5.-
5.-Be more loving.
Great teams are built by authentic leaders who are not afraid to speak
truthfully and show kindness. This is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. Be
loving, polite and compassionate to all those around you. This does not mean that you
don’’t make the tough calls when you need to. What it really means is that you bring
more of your humanity into your life.
6.-Be different.
Leaders, by definition, don’’t follow the crowd. Live life on your own
terms. Listen to the values that are most true
to you. Be creative. Remain an idealist.
7.-Vive con Plenitud
8.-Vive con Valores

Module 1
Live Fully Now –– Robin Sharma
Too many human beings postpone living. We say that we will live our best lives when we
have more time or when we finish the pressing
projects that are consuming us. We tell those
around us that we will be more loving and passi
onate when things slow down. We promise
ourselves that we will get into world-class physi
cal condition and eat healthier food when we
have a little bit more time. Yet, deep within
us, each one of us knows that there will never
be a better time to live our biggest life than now. And if not today, then when?
Most of us live as if we have all the time in th
e world. We put off living and reaching for our
highest and best. And yet, the days slip in
to weeks, the weeks slip into months and the
months slip into years. Before you know it, your life will be over. And most people, when
they are on their deathbeds, have the same regrets
: that they did not take enough risks, that
they did not realize their highest personal po
tential. And they did not give more love.
There are no extra days. There are no meaningless days. This very day is the day that you
can make a choice to stand for something higher and be the person you know in your heart
you have always wanted to be. Today is the day you can make the decision to get into
outstanding physical health or to be a genuine le
ader at work or to be more authentic as a
human being or to take more risks and run to
wards your fears. To me, that’’s what
leadership is all about. Seizing the moment and
living your life as an example to others of
what’’s possible for a human being to create. Ke
ep thinking about what your best life will
look like. As I share in my speeches and
workshops: ““with better awareness you can make
better choices and when you make better choices, you will see better results.””
Inspirational Quotes
““You don’’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.””
Edwin Louis Cole
““After climbing a great hill, one only finds that
there are many more hills to climb. I have
taken a moment to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back
on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes
responsibilities, and I dare not linger,
for my long walk has not yet ended.””
Nelson Mandela
““If you do not shine as brightly as you have
been destined to shine, you not only betray
yourself –– but the world is less of a place than it could have been.””

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